The ROI of DAM


With Gartner1 reporting that 44% of CMOs have experienced mid-year budget cuts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s understandable that marketing technology purchasing are under more scrutiny and must guarantee a higher return on investment.

We know that delivering consistent omnichannel brand experiences requires a number of solutions, but a robust digital asset management solution should be at the heart of a successful content operations ecosystem.

Here are a few reasons why:

Recreating Existing Content

There’s no bigger drain on creative energy than re-creating content that already exists somewhere else. Without a DAM in place, your teams probably have content scattered across many disconnected solutions or lost in an email folder or even just saved directly to their computers, essentially marooned where no other teams can find it.

How many times have your teams had to re-create content because they couldn’t find what they were looking for or didn’t even know that what they needed already existed?

A strong DAM solution removes the need for your teams to save files across multiple solutions, while also removing costly errors and inefficiencies caused by having different versions of the same file in multiple places.

An enterprise DAM solution serves as a global repository for all your content?whether it’s images, product information, videos, creative media files, or text.

Not only can your organization save money by reusing existing content, but your teams can then use that freed-up time to create a variety of more targeted content that better resonates with your buyers.

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Slow-Time to Market

Some campaigns call for entirely new assets to be created, using brand approved logos, language, and images.

However, without a DAM solution with powerful, dynamic search capabilities, you could be spending a good portion of your day searching for the right components you need to complete a project. This is not only incredibly frustrating and a waste of your valuable time, but it also delays the delivery of your content and campaigns.

A DAM solution with enterprise search capabilities and AI-driven auto-tagging to improve findability could help you reduce your average new content creation times and the amount of time you spend searching for existing content. In fact, one Aprimo client, Meyer, saw a 30% reduction in their time to market using DAM.

This ultimately leads to more productivity and faster time to market for all your content and campaigns.

Inconsistent Brand Experiences

With 69% of customers expecting a connected brand experience across different channels, delivering consistent omnichannel brand experiences is no longer just the marketing team’s responsibility. Groups like sales, legal, and customer experience all access, edit, and distribute content across various channels, so they definitely have skin in the game.

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But without a single location for your teams to grab approved assets, any one of those teams might deploy off-brand and inconsistent messaging and imagery on your website, mobile app, social media, and any of your other channels.

Why risk your teams using outdated and rogue assets when you can ensure that all your content, across all your channels, is on-brand and consistent? Without a DAM, every post, every campaign, has the potential to damage your brand standing by pushing out content that doesn’t meet brand standards.

Your Teams Need a DAM

An enterprise-class DAM solution with version control, localization capabilities, and digital rights management, provides a single global repository for all your organization’s digital assets so that you can ensure you’re providing consistent brand experiences to every customer in every channel.

Besides maximizing content reuse, getting to market faster, and delivering more consistent brand experiences, a digital asset management solution also gives you:

  • A single source of truth for every team that touches content
  • The power to store and search for content of all types
  • Control of content expiration and user access
  • Streamlined approval processes

Still looking for more information on how you and your team can benefit from a DAM? Our DAM Buyer’s Guide gives you a crash course on what a DAM solution can do for your organization, how each user group in your organization would benefit, and what capabilities you should be looking for in your DAM solution.

[1] Source: https://martechseries.com/technology/gartner-says-cmos-remain-optimistic-about-budgets-post-covid19/

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