We Provide a Work Environment That’s Free from Harassment and Discrimination


Aprimo is committed to providing a work environment for all employees that is free from sexual harassment and other types of discriminatory harassment. Employees are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner and to show respect for their co‐workers at all times.

Aprimo strongly discourages dating between managers and employees. If a relationship is developing, it is recommended that employees advise human resources so appropriate actions can be taken to ensure there is no conflict or harassment.

All complaints of harassment should be made directly to Human Resources or confidential whistle-blower hotline (see contact information below). All complaints will be investigated and appropriate steps will be taken to resolve without retaliation against the employee(s) for filing the complaint.


Any harassment complaint should be directed immediately to your Human Resources Business Partner


Misconduct or other unethical behavior may be reported on the hotline through one of the following ways:

  • Website: www.lighthouse-services.com/aprimo
  • Toll-Free Telephone Direct Dial:
    • English speaking USA & Canada: 844-440-0045
    • Spanish speaking USA & Canada: 800-216-1288
    • French speaking Canada: 855-725-0002
  • AT&T USA Direct
    • All other countries: 800-603-2869 (must dial country access code first click here for access codes and dialing instructions)
  • Email: reports@lighthouse-services.com (must include company name with report)