A warm welcome to the Aprimo community
Read through the resources on this page to learn how to get the most from the Aprimo solution, how to connect with other Aprimo users, and more.
Join the community
Learn how to get the most from Aprimo and how to contribute to the solution’s continued growth.

Aprimo Voice
Share your voice with Aprimo directly, request enhancements to the platform, and more
Aprimo Academy
A space for Aprimo employees, alliance partners, and customers to gain product certification via online self-paced training programs and courses. Aprimo Academy also houses Best Practices and new feature videos.

Aprimo Customer Rewards Program
We want you to be happy with our solutions, recommend them to others, and benefit from your interactions with us. Our all-new customer rewards program lets you leverage your successes and your experiences in order to earn special perks.
Aprimo Activation
Our goal is to help you launch your Aprimo instance quickly and efficiently. In the next few days, you’ll receive an email from Aprimo with an overview of what you can expect from our Activation team.

Aprimo Insights
Aprimo is home to fantastic thought leaders in content marketing and operations – learn and grow with them.